Tuesday 3 May 2011

School Information

Let's see how Green we can be year 6! If you want to know what's going on let's see if you can read the blog. Here are a list of dates for May.

4th May. Remember swimming kit.

6th May.  World Book Day, don't forget your costumes.

11th May. Theatre Trip

20th-22nd May Llangrannog Weekend

24th, 25th and 26th May.  I am in Bryncelynnog looking at the work you have produced this year. I will be talking with other year 6 teachers about the levels that have been set.

27th May Last day before our week off.

Don't forget Eisteddfod group, you take part in Swansea next week. Good Luck to you all.
See you tomorrow.


  1. Hi Mrs Evans,

    Do we have P.E tomorrow?

    From Katie Francis

  2. No PE is on a Friday now Katie..

  3. Hello Mrs Evans,I cant wait for Llangrannog ! :)
    What teachers are coming with us ? x

  4. Hello, Same question as Chloe really! Who is coming with us?

    Kira x

  5. Stuck with me I'm afraid girls..... and Mr Monk, Mrs Decaro, Mrs Richards and Mrs Watts. Should have great fun.

  6. Sorry not Mrs Watts but Mrs Watkins in the nursery.. Silly me.

  7. ok thankyou,is there gonnna be a letter going out with a list of things we need to take ?

  8. Letter sorted. Should get it out today, Monday. See you later. Mrs Evans

  9. Hello. Thank-you. How come there is only one male teacher coming this year? Kira x
