Saturday 16 October 2010

Last week before half term.

What a fantastic trip we had to the Courts on Tuesday. We were greeted by Pontypridd Observer. The children's faces were a picture when Mr. Roberts appeared and was placed in the dock. Unfortunately, he was found guilty of stealing a number of bottles of shampoo!!! and was sent down for five months. Keep a look out in the Observer this week as they intend doing an article about us as we were the youngest children to take part in this activity. Another busy week this week, Monday a sponsored walk/run and Thursday our harvest Festival.
Congratulations year six for your excellent behavior on our school trip and your new positions as prefects. I will be setting a timetable for when you return after half term so that you will know where you are placed.
Have a lovely half term.
Star of the week Daniel Coughlan........well done.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had an awesome time at the court - it was great to hear all about it in assembly last Friday - very memorable....
    Mrs Decaro
